Saturday, December 21, 2019

My Relationship With My Father - 906 Words

My relationship with my father is complicated. I am a junior in high school and the successes I have accomplished both in the class room and in sports are because he has been pushing me so hard. On the other hand, though, he can be overbearing and controlling at times. Now I am at the stage in my young adult life where I find myself trying to create some distance between us. It is a constant battle trying to strike a balance between becoming my own person and not just the one my father thinks I should be. My father is a fairly senior ranking officer in the military. He is a full colonel in the Army, only one promotion away from being a general. When at work, he is in charge of many soldiers and government civilians and contractors who follow his orders without much choice or questioning. He has worked many jobs at different Army bases, the Pentagon and in Iraq. It is hard to complain too much as his work has provided a pretty good life for me. However, he sometimes brings that military mindset home along with his unrealistically high expectations, and that often creates problems. As his oldest child his expectations for me have always been high. As the proverbial chip off the old block, he always wanted me to attend West Point where he went to college. In some ways I feel like I disappointed him by not wanting to follow in his footsteps. My younger sister has always seemed to be off limits, and I have always envied her not having to deal with him as much.Show MoreRelatedMy Re lationship With My Father914 Words   |  4 PagesMy relationship with my father: I’m not sure exactly when, but it was before I was 5 years old that my parents divorced. I have been living with my mother before I moved to the United State of America. Back in Thailand, even though I lived with my mother, my sister who lived with my father sometimes come along and live with us. 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