Friday, January 31, 2020

Meaning of life Essay Example for Free

Meaning of life Essay Existentialism as a philosophy is concerned with the meaning of our existence and the non- existence of a spiritual figure to mould our being. This philosophy was created as early the early 1900s, but mid 20th Century Philosophers Albert Camus and Jean Paul Sartre are seen as the fathers the movement. Existentialism can be seen as a major influence on the Theatre of the Absurd as it is uses theatrical effects in order to show the way in which man uses endless and futile ways to distract from the meaninglessness of his existence. Other themes that are evident in absurd plays are that of the devaluation of language and our entrapment in an Absurd existence. Devaluation of Language As characters who speak completely different languages, we are unable to communicate verbally and are forced to using gestures and appropriate sounds. The language barrier causes a lot of frustration and exhaustion and at many times conflict between our two characters because no matter how important or trivial the words that the person is saying- they serve no purpose as neither understands the other. After a short fight, my character begins to rant in her language, leaving Niina’s character confused and unsure of what to do. She then retreats back to her place on the opposite part of the ‘island’ whilst I continue to express my frustration. The space between us symbolises our aloneness at being able to communicate directly with each other. Entrapment in an Absurd Existence As two people who do not understand each other and are stranded on an island there is not much that can be done. As a means to fill our boredom my character started to hum a tune and was slowly but surely joined by my companion with a drum beat that she had added. Niina’s character who is very pessimistic comes to her senses and realises the meaninglessness of the entire exercise. This drives her to attempt to kill herself. An absurd existence is one which is full of meaningless distractions and once a person realises this they come into conflict with their existence and is driven towards two different choices: To free oneself from the meaninglessness- which Niina’s character attempted to do, or to hope for change or for the discovery of meaning like my character. We are adrift in a world devoid of purpose As our characters use diversions to avoid facing the meaninglessness of our lives, like how our two characters play a game to pass the time. But as time goes on, Niina’s character voices her frustration of the situation: that, having already been stranded for some time, we are not likely to be rescued. This presents the question of whether there is a point of living when there is neither future ahead nor purpose for you. This is another contributing reason as to why Niina’s character attempts to kill her self. My character has a different way of viewing this situation as she has held on to her faith to give her purpose. She has also found purpose in trying to keep her companion from killing herself. The island improvisation reflected the strong themes of Existentialism in Absurd Theatre through the staging of the conflict created between our two conflicting characters. Unable to linguistically understand each other, language as a tool of communication becomes useless and we are forced use a small game in order to distract ourselves from the reality of the situation and the meaninglessness of our existence on an island where we have no purpose. -

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

The Role of Paralegals in the Legal System Essay -- Legal Assistant

Justice. It is something that everyone wants, something that we strive for, even something that sparks. However, when we think of lawyers, we think of superheroes with an expensive education, walking into the courtroom and serving up justice. What no one thinks of is the person that helped the lawyer get there, the paralegal that prepares the necessary documents, the paralegal that makes sure his or her attorney is at the right place at the right time. A paralegal is crucial and in some cases vital to our justice system yet they are so often over looked. To understand what a paralegal does we must first understand what the job of a lawyer entails. Black’s Law Dictionary defines a lawyer as â€Å"a person learned in the law; as an attorney, counsel or solicitor; a person who is practicing law.† Attorneys generally have around seven years of a college education under their belt, they have the authority to argue their clients case before a judge and jury. Just because a person has a law degree does not necessarily mean that they are skilled lawyers. One could have the best education money can buy but still be a lousy attorney. Practice and careful preparation is needed before one goes to court, but there is still one thing that is invaluable to an attorney. Experience. All of the classes in the world could not prepare one for the nerve that it takes to stand before a judge and jury with your client beside you trusting you to put up a fight. I had the opportunity to witness the behind the scenes action as a young attorney recently prepared for his first trial. What I saw is not what would normally happen but it is something that does happen. This attorney was given about three hours to prepare for his first trial, he had about three ye... ... by a lawyer, law office, corporation, governmental agency or other entity who performs specifically delegated substantive legal work for which a lawyer is responsible." However we know that they do so much more. Works Cited "Current ABA Definition of Legal Assistant/Paralegal | Division for Legal Services." American Bar Association. Web. 12 Apr. 2011. . Green, Regina. Personal Interview. 7 Jan 2011. Henry Campbell Black, Black's Law Dictionary, 5th ed. (St. Paul: West Publishing Co., 1979), 799. Hooper, Milton. "The Evolving Paralegal Role." Paralegal Today: The Magazine for the Paralegal Profession. Web. 12 Apr. 2011. . Sands, Ana. Personal Interview. 7 Jan. 2011.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Living with Strangers

If you live with noise, Ignorance and unnecessary attention as norms every day. I assume you live In a city with sprawling life. If you especially want to go to one of these kind of cities, then you could easily go to New York. Since a lot of the aspects you would presume are in a metropolis, actually finds place at this special place. A lot of people think that the attractions make the city unique with skyscrapers reaching above the skies.A tall and proud lady greets everyone that arrives, and referred numerous times through poetry and songs, but at this case, it is not the surroundings hat Is special, about this city. Instead, we have to look towards the people offence York. They make New York unique because of the Ignorance they are capable of showing in public. In this essay, Sir Hustled primarily focuses on a unwritten law – the pretend-it-isn't-happening-law.It is a odd phenomenon because one would think that people move to the cities to be around other people and to get in contact with other lost souls when, in fact, most of the time is spent indoors or looking down at the ground In a crowded subway. This can be seen throughout the story, as an example, oh can see at the beginning where she moves to New York from a small town In Minnesota where it is normal to say â€Å"hi†, and if you do not do it, then it will be considered as arrogance. Compared to New York that saying â€Å"hi† to a stranger would be considered bizarre.But the question is what way, is the right way to react if someone greets you? This is the reason why Sir Hustled does not have an answer to this but this Is why she chose to write an essay. It Is simply a subjective collection of her thoughts on this Issue that she has divided Into three mall parts, the first being her personal back-story. Not only does this provide the reader a quick Idea of who the author is and how she feels with a environment so different than what she is used to, but more essential, an introd uction like this is fundamental in all genres if you want to get a connection with your readers.First of all, we feel anonymous in dense cities because everyone are busy doing something else, and do not know, which could Indicate the reason to why there is much crime In huge cities. Second, this may be the fact to why people are acting crazy In public, since you do not know even a fraction of the citizens, you allow yourself to be more extroverted. Hustled supports her own theory about the urban laws by saying that in every city, there are couple of nuts who delivers their message. Perhaps about that love is only sent from Jesus Christ, or we are doomed in year x.However, it seems like these nuts are not getting any response, but they start a reaction of emotions inside the head of regular people â€Å"pretend it isn't happening, pretend It Isn't happening†¦ â€Å". To this point, Sirs Hustled has criticized the urban law strictly, however, In the final part of the essay, It seems like she acknowledges the advantages of this effect because if you are getting involved in a discussion, it can end up horribly wrong, if you Just simply ask another person politely, to turn off his cigarette inside a metro, you could get a threat with your life at stakes.Thus, he still broke the urban law about â€Å"pretend it isn't happening†, and verbally attacks the little man, who was asking polite. On the other Sir Hustler's daughter, Sophie, took the subway when suddenly a nut said to Sophie how much he loved her. She tried to ignore him, but at the end she felt uncomfortable ignoring him. Then, suddenly, another person interrupted, trying to be sarcastic and funny. By doing this he acknowledged what he Just have had bean witness to in public.This man helped Sophie, he helped her give a smile on her face, and through this, he changed her entire day. Though, he could have been an audience and it would have seemed like it never had happened. What might only seem a s a scenario could be in the next moment reality. In other words, this opens a window to a new world of personalities, and this is what Sir Hustled is trying to express unconscious. A dull and static part of the human, suddenly becomes personalized and shows us that charm and argumentation, can help us towards coming stronger individuals.If you make a perspective to the town where Hustled is from in Minnesota, you will notice that Just because you use the meet-&-greet technique, where you Just monotone say â€Å"h'† to another, does not make you to a more real person than one who ignores you in New York. The unspoken laws of a society might help people get by in a certain environment but ultimately it prevents us from thinking of others complexity. Instead of thinking everyone is a individual, you think everyone is a part of a group. If you want to become someone, you have to trust yourself.

Monday, January 6, 2020

What Is Fluoride Fluoride vs. Fluorine

Are you confused about the difference between fluoride and fluorine or simply want to know what fluoride is? Heres the answer to this common chemistry question. Key Takeaways: What Is Fluoride? Fluoride is the name given to the negatively-charged ion of the fluorine atom (F).A fluoride may also be the name of a compound that contains the element.Fluoride is found in toothpaste and public water supplies in some countries. Other countries view fluoride as a toxic compound and seek to remove it from their water. Fluoride is the negative ion of the element fluorine. The symbol for the element fluorine is F. Fluoride often is written as F-, which stands for the anion of fluorine that has a -1 electrical charge. Any compound, whether it is organic or inorganic, that contains the fluoride ion is also known as a fluoride. Examples include CaF2 (calcium fluoride) and NaF (sodium fluoride). Ions containing the fluoride ion are similarly called fluorides (e.g., bifluoride, HF2−). To summarize: fluorine is an element; fluoride is an ion or a compound which contains the fluoride ion. Fluorides are found in toothpaste and added to public drinking water in some countries. Water fluoridation usually is accomplished by adding sodium fluoride (NaF), fluorosilicic acid (H2SiF6), or sodium fluorosilicate (Na2SiF6) to drinking water.